A Different Approach to Leverage “Theory of Everything” of Physics.

Author: - Rocky Smith


Title: - A Different Approach to Leverage “Theory of Everything” of Physics.

Abstract: -

Quantum physics and General Relativity are two most interesting subjects in physics. We are still struggling to co-relates them together to make a unified “Theory of Everything” of Physics. We are still struggling to understand the 4th fundamental force i.e. “Gravity”. Why this is so weak and tends to zero at the quantum level. I am going to leverage a different approach to deduce the fundamental wave equation that may describe “Theory of Everything” of Physics.

Acknowledgement: -

This would not be possible without the realizations of Nasadiya Suktam of Rigveda, realizations of Quantum physics, Newtonian physics and Theory of Relativity.

I am grateful to all of ancient Indian scholars/sages those have invented great ideas/realizations of Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda and Vedanta.

I am also grateful to all great physicists those have contributed to invent Quantum physics, Newtonian physics and Theory of Relativity.

I have deep admiration on Indian Scholars/sages like Swami Vivekananda, Adi Sankara or Adi Sankaracharya, Veda Vyasa and great physicists like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Niels Bore for giving key ideas of eternal cosmic principals and physics.

Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Niels Bore and Carl Sagan commented about the richness of ancient Indian philosophy.

I would like to thank Google and Wikipedia to get lot of data and information.

List of Symbols used and its meanings: -

SL No.






Symbol of wave function

Generic Symbol of wave function.


i, j, k

Imaginary units of Quaternion Number System. 



Fundamental wave function deduced from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda.



Space Time Entropy Interval.



Space Time Interval



Position vector of a point P(x, y. z).



Speed of light in free space.

c = 3 × 108 m / s



Wavelength along u.

Wavelength along u. u = space-time interval.

Note: -  Value of λ­u is unknown to me at this moment.

Practical experiment may be needed to find its value.



Wave number along u. u = space-time interval.



Boltzmann Constant

 kb = 1.380649 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1



Number of Microstates of the universe.




Entropy of a system

S = kb loge Ω



Reduced version of Entropy.


S̅ = S / kb



Hypothetical Partials -  Nasadon and Anti-Nasadon corresponding to ψn.

N± Particles exists corresponding to ψn as per Einstein De Broglie postulates.



Angular velocity of N±



Energy of N±



Mass of N±



Angular momentum of N±

This fundamental field equation is derived from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda, Newton’s law, Tharmodynamic, Schrodingar equation and Einstein De Broglie Postulates.



Angular momentum of N±

Angular momentum of N±


Nabla Symbol

H= Hubble's Constant.



Second order derivative of universal entropy.

d2S = j Ln 
Second order derivative of universal entropy is equal to angular momentum of particle Nasadon N±

Philosophy and Science: -

Philosophy may be called the "science of sciences" or meta physics probably in the sense that it is, in effect, the self-awareness of the sciences and the sources from which all the sciences draw their world-view and methodological principles, which in the course of centuries have been honed down into concise forms. Physicists also follow philosophy as their basic building blocks to deduce mathematical representation of certain physical incidents by their good-faiths, self-realization and experiences. However, such good-faiths, self-realization and experiences may not be proved directly.

For example: –

1.     Sir Isaac Newton assumed that time-interval is always constant and moves always forward direction (later challenged by sir Einstein).


2.     First law of thermodynamics states that Heat = Work-Done and dq = du + dw i.e. Total heat energy gained by a system = Increasing of system’s internal energy + Work done.



3.     Sir Albert Einstein used Cosmological Constant to show repulsive force required to keep the Universe in static equilibrium. He also made a great thought experiment like “Principal of Equivalence” to show that light beam bends under gravitational field.


4.     Sir Schrodinger has started with a classical non-relativistic equation i.e. –

(i) Energy (E) = Kinetic Entergy (K) + Potential Energy (V). 

(ii) Basic wave with frequency ω and wavenumber k was constructed as -

      ψ (x, t) = A . exp [ i (kx−ωt) ]

where, i = √(−1), A = amplitude and t = time interval.

(iii) He also used Einstein De Broglie postulate i.e. E = ω and p = k to deduce the famous time dependent Schrodinger equation i.e.

Or, time independent Schrodinger equation i.e. –

            This Schrodinger equation is considered as the cornerstone of quantum mechanics.

Observation from Philosophy and Science relation: -

My observation from aforesaid relation between philosophy and science relation is, physicists also follow philosophy as their basic building blocks to deduce mathematical representation of certain physical incidents by their good-faiths, self-realization and experiences which may not be proved directly. Therefore, I am going to leverage a different Indian philosophy, invented by ancient Indian great sages by meditations. Such philosophical values also came out of their good-faiths, self-realization and experiences.

Nasadiya Suktam of Rigveda: -

Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda is a hymn that ancient Indian great scholars/sages have written based on their self-realization through meditations. Swami Vivekananda spread Vedanta and Yoga to the western world. During his US visit, he met with Mr. Nikola Tesla, the famous engineer and physicist. He charmed to see these ideas. He shown interest to make a mathematical form or mathematical interpretation of such ideas. However, that was not made unfortunately.

Today, I am trying to do such unfinished work.

The original hymn is in Sanskrit language. English translation of this is given below. I have collected the same from Wikipedia.

Nasadiya Sukatam (Hymn of non-Eternity, origin of universe):

There was neither non-existence nor existence then;
Neither the realm of space, nor the sky which is beyond;
What stirred? Where? In whose protection?

There was neither death nor immortality then;
No distinguishing sign of night nor of day;
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse;
Other than that there was nothing beyond.

Darkness there was at first, by darkness hidden;
Without distinctive marks, this all was water (Unknown medium);
That which, becoming, by the void was covered;
That One by force of heat came into being;

Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
Gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?

Whether God's have created it, or whether He was mute;
Perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not;
The Supreme Brahman() [ 
ব্রহ্ম ] of the world, all pervasive and all knowing

He indeed knows, if not, no one knows

—Rigveda 10.129 (Abridged, Tr: Kramer / Christian) [3]
 [Source: Wikipedia]

Key Observations of me from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda: -

From the said hymn the following things we may notice –

a)     Existence, non- existence, death-immorality, matters and anti-matters, space-time and mind, cause of heat energy were seen after creation.

b)     God or gods (if exists) has born after the creation of the universe. Hence God or gods (if exists) did not create our universe. God or gods (if exists) are just mentor(s) of our universe.

c)     Space + Time + Mind has formed after the creation of the universe. Here mind means Boltzmann Mind or gods’ mind (if God/gods exist). Therefore, there is no witness of “What was before creation?”, not even God/gods (if exist). In other words, no-body could question “What was before creation?” since, mind was absent. How someone may ask this question without having mind? This incident may be analogues with Hawkins’s information loss paradox.

d)     “What was before creation?” – such knowledge lies only within The Supreme Brahman(ॐ) [ ব্রহ্ম ], who is the supreme and unique consciousness and the creative cause or force (F) of the entire creature. If he does not know then nobody knows.

e)     Consciousness is unique. Consciousness is not-equal to mind. Consciousness is irrespective of Space + Time + Mind. But Mind = Life. Mind is space and time dependent. Here mind is Boltzmann Mind or the mind of the universe.

What is mind?” My understanding is, mind is life that depends on space-time-entropy. Mind is a decision making function on available information (i.e. Entropy of the universe). Information are processed data those are generated out of raw data by applying statistical analysis on such raw data. All information lost once mind is dead.

In short –
Mind = Life = decision making function on 
Information = statistical analytical function on 
 raw data.
Raw data 
→ Distance, time, pressure, volume, temperature, speed of light in free space etc. of our universe.
All information lost once mind is dead.

a)     The universe also has a life and mind (Boltzmann Mind). i.e. –

Sanskrit Form: -

Supreme Brahman(ॐ) ব্রহ্ম ]  creates 

Pranam = Spandanam = Maya + Karya_Karanam = Sthanam + Kalam + Patram.

English form: -

Supreme Brahman(ॐ) ব্রহ্ম  creates 

Life of the universe = Vibration = Energy + Causation = Space + Time + Mind.
(Here mind is Boltzmann Mind or the mind of the universe.)
Before creation everything was covered with some kind of cosmic water i.e. an unknown medium. During creation The Supreme Brahman [The creative force (F)] caused a vibration on it. Such vibration made a wave on said unknown medium. We are going to deduce the mathematical relation among Space, Time and Mind.

Basic building blocks of mathematical equation from Nasadiya 
Suktam of Rigveda:

We are going to use the following building blocks from the aforesaid understanding to construct the mathematical equation from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda: -

The Supreme Brahman(ॐ) ব্রহ্ম ], The supreme creative force F  creates 

Pranam = Spandanam = Maya + Karya_Karanam = Sthanam + Kalam + Patram.


The Supreme Brahman(ॐ) ব্রহ্ম ], The supreme creative force F   creates 

Life of the universe (Pranam) = Vibration (Spandanam ψ) = Energy (Maya E) + Causation (Karya_Karanam T) = Space(Sthanam) + Time(Kalam) + Mind(Patram).

(Here mind is Boltzmann Mind or the mind of the universe.)


More precisely,

Life = Mind = Vibration (Spandanam ψ) = Energy (Maya E) + Causation (Karya_Karanam T)

Or, Life = Mind = ψ = E + T

This is the basic building block to create mathematical equation that ancient Indian sages realized by meditation. Let’s proceeds with such idea along with mordent science.

Quaternion Number System: -

Mathematical equation derivation from

Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda:

Life = Mind = ψ = E + T     [ E = Universal energy (Maya), T = Torque (Universal  causality that the universe preserves) ] 

Lets' Analyze Fundamental Wave Equation (6D Quaternion): -

Conclusion: -

Einstein field equation vs Fundamental field equation deduced from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda:

Einstein field equation versus fundamental field equation,
derived from Nasadyia Suktam, Thermodynamic, Schrodinger Equation and Einstein De Broglie postulates is given below.  

Einstein field equation: -

1.     Left hand side shows curvature of Space-Time while right hand side shows mass and energy.


2.     Curvature of Space-Time tells mass how to move while mass tells Space-Time how to curve.

Fundamental field equation: -

Fundamental field equation derived from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda, Thermodynamic, Schrodinger Equation and Einstein De Broglie postulates is given below.   

1.     Left hand side shows rate of change of 5D rotation of Space-Time-Microstate while right hand side shows angular momentum of each Nasadon (N±) particles those are actual causation of mass and energy.


2.     Rate of change of 5D rotation of Space-Time-Microstate is the effect of angular momentum of Nasadon (N±) entangled particles while angular momentum of each Nasadon (N±) entangled particles are the causation of 5D rotation of Space-Time-Microstate (curvature on Space-Time).

Conclusion: -

Fundamental field equation is more generic that Einstein field equation. This equation may relate both Quantum Physics and General Relativity together.

This equation may help mankind to leverage mankind to create a unified “Theory of Everything” of Physics. Note: -  Value of λ­u is unknown to me at this moment. Practical experiment may be needed to find its value.

Deep Insight of Fundamental field equation deduced from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda:

We have deduced the following equation so far.  

Let’s have a close look the same.

1.     It seems that the left-hand side, that is the relation among the space-time-microstate of the universe, all together, caused by angular momentum of Nasadon (N±) entangled particles.


2.     Such relation among the space-time-microstate is always constant by looking at the right hand side. From conservation of angular momentum of Nasadon (N±) entangled particles, this can be proved.


3.    The Conservation of angular momentum of Nasadon (N±) entangled particles, are the root-cause of the conservation of Mass and Energy of the entire universe.


4.    Unlike Higgs Boson, Nasadon particles are entangled, having angular momentum and spin. These are force carrier too. On the other hand, Higgs Field is static. Higgs Bosons are static bosons, having no such angular momentum and spin.


5.    Big-Bang/inflation then Heat Death/crunch then again Big-Bang/inflation; such process is cyclic, since angular momentum is preserved for each Nasadon (N±) entangled particles.


6.    Absolute time (“Mahakala” in Hindu philosophy) of the universe is beyond our imagination since universe is not created, rather it manifests from one form to another. Such manifestation is cyclic.


7.    Entire universe has one field named “Akash” (Nasadon Field) in Hindu philosophy. Such medium is filed with Nasadon (N±) entangled particles.


8.    Density(d) of such “Akash” (Nasadon Field) medium is varying in cyclic way such that [ - ∞ < d < ∞ ].

9.    Closest proof of aforesaid point 7 & 8 is, Habble’s law -

i.e. - The observation in physical cosmology that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds proportional to their distance.

Analytical proof  from Hubble's Law : - 


  1. Very good attempt. Hectic and Studious approach. Waiting for examination and cross examination from different aspects.

    1. Kinkily help me to establish this thesis as law with reliable proofs.

  2. Please rexamine once through the Gödel's Theorem, but never think that Gödel's theorem cannot be challenged. I think it can be modified to some extent in future. You might have had some enhancement by combining it with Gödel's incompleteness theorem.

  3. Sure, I will check that. Thanks for your comment.


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