Author: - Rocky Smith
Abstract: -
A different approach has been taken by me to leverage “Theory of Everything” of Physics. The prime idea to establish such, has been taken from, the ancient Indian hymn "Nasadyia Suktam" of Rigveda. Details are given in the link - please click here. Here I have shown that the universe is a 5th dimensional (5D) projection of shadow of a 6th dimensional (6D) unknown spinning substance. The quaternion wave function of such 6D substance is unknown. Therefore, our universe is 5D trampoline of space-time-microstate.
Contrast with Sir Albert Einstein: -
Sir Albert Einstein has shown that the universe can be imagined as 4D space-time curvature as below picture. Since space is 3D length (x-axis), breadth (y-axis) and hight (z-axis). Time is one dimensional imaginary axis (ict - where c is speed of light). But here a basic question comes that - in which direction such 4D space-time curvature is being curved ? I got the answer from ancient Indian scriptures and the answer is microstate. Therefore, universe is 5D medium of space-time-microstate.
Explanation of 5D space-time-microstate: -
Details explanation is given in the link - please click here. This fundamental field equation is derived from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigveda, Newton's law, Thermodynamic, Schrodinger equation and Einstein De Broglie Postulates. In the link above, we have seen that our universe is collection of particles named as "Nasadon (N)". Angular momentum of each N is given as below equation. Please notice that such angular momentum is the quantum state of each N.
( cartesian coordinate system)
Why quantum state of Nasadon (N) is just a angular momentum ?: -
We can calculate microstate of any particle by the following way, where each per
But in case our Fundamental Wave (6D Quaternion) of the universe deduced from Nasadyia Suktam of Rigvada, we have used the following convention to deduce microstate of "Nasadon (N)".
The reason behind is, as per its definition -
1.) Getting Nasadon (N) in everywhere is absolute, hence probability of its presence p =1.
2.) Nasadon (N) is maya-karyakaram level that is energy +causation level (5D). Hence it is something beyond mass-energy (4D) level. Therefore, we need to deduce its quantum state.
From above concern we have deuced that -
Quantum state of each Nasadon (N) particle is its angular momentum ( ).
Details is given in the link - please click here. with proof.
My further approach from the following deduced equations: -
A) We have derived the following Equation (1) : -
B) We also have derived the following Equation (4) from Hubble's Law: -
Subtracting equation 4 from equation 1 we have -
[ i.e. eqn(1) - eqn (4) ]
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